Goran Markovic, architect
Born 1978. in Paracin, a small town in central Serbia. Finished elementary school in his hometown. Civil engineering high school finished in Nis, where he studied on Faculty of Civil engineering and Architecture.
The love towards drawing was born in the period of elementary school and directed further education in the field of construction. Real cognition about architecture gained on faculty and since then deals with designing and improvement the environment around us. He considers that architecture was and remained an important segment in development of human society as well as that some society is culturally expressed through its architecture.
The first contacts with construction practice took place during studying. Since then and up to now, a striving for work and perfecting during objects construction remained.
After the final year on faculty, he enrolled in freelance work with firms and individuals in the region. In that period, a cooperation is achieved with salon "Eurokeramika" from Paracin and by that the work on designing interiors begins. By introducing himself with local carpenters and craftsmen, he joins designing furniture, kitchens as well as complete interiors, both residential and business spaces. In parallel with that, he engaged with a bureau for designing and engineering "MiB Proing" from Paracin.
Since 2003. works freelance in a design bureau "Domus" in Paracin and since 2007. up to 2013. as a full-time employee. The position in the bureau was a designer-assistant on making main designs for various objects which the bureau did over the years. He was also engaged on visualization of objects and construction of interior designs. A reference list of projects he worked on:
· 2007. year
- Adaptation of building health center, Paracin
- Office building Gerber, Vitosevac
- Reconstruction and adaptation of cinema Avala
- Gas station Mihajlovic, Paracin
- Residential and commercial building RM, Cuprija
- House Zabadlija, Cuprija
- Commercial building - store Kojic, Paracin
- House Phil Gager, Paracin
· 2008. year
- House - Aca Pajic, Paracin
- Costa coffee, Sportimpuls and Fashion outlet, Nis
- Annex of sports hall, Paracin
- House Marinkovic, Paracin
- House Mirko K., Paracin
- Semi detached house - S., Paracin
- Office building, Zajecar
- Residential building - Italprofil 1, Cuprija
- Administrative building “Holcim” Popovac, Paracin
· 2009. year
- Residential and commercial building in Bore Petrovica, Paracin
- Residential and commercial building “Grading”, Paracin
- Industrial facility for the production of meat “Pax”, Paracin
- Office building “Donkafe”, Paracin
- House Jovanovic, Paracin
· 2010. year
- Diagnostic center, Paracin
- Reconstruction and extending of residential and commercial building “Slavija”
- House Matic, Paracin
- Cottage - Ilic, Grza, Paracin
- Residential building, Obrez, Varvarin
- Restaurant “Beslac”, Paracin
- House - Bogdanovic, Paracin
· 2011. year
- Office building - Vuletic, Paracin
- Fish market “Akvarijum”, Paracin
- House - Djordjevic, Paracin
- House - Zivanovic, Paracin
- House - Lekovic, Paracin
- Winery Rajic, Paracin
- House - M, Paracin
- House - Jeremic, Drenovac, Paracin
- Business hall, Cepure, Paracin
· 2012. year
- House - DiD, Paracin
- House - Z, Cuprija
- Restaurant Galery, Paracin
- House - JiS, Cicevac, Paracin
- House - Petrovic, Paracin
- Adaptation facade of administrative building “Paracinka”
- Administrative building “Pax”, Paracin
- House - Rajna, Zabrega, Paracin
- Business hall “Energopelet”, Paracin
- Residential building - Italprofil 2, Cuprija
· 2013. year
- House - SK, Paracin
- House - EK, Paracin
- House - Milic, Paracin
- House - SA, Saludovac, Paracin