
House Jelena - Paracin
An interior of a house in Paracin for an owner from Englend was done in 2007. The pfoto shows an entrance hall with the lowered ceiling. Second photo shows a two-sided fireplace with a double glass so that the fire can be seen from both rooms between which the fireplace is located. Also the fireplace is differently shaped in each room. The living room has two segments and the photo shows the wall on which the TV program is shown by a projector on a ceiling, because of which the shelves for technical devices are conceived in the given manner. Within the house, two specific rooms were designed, the office with a library and a room for recreation and socializing with exercising equipment and billiards. The photo shows a gypsum detail that was done in the office.

House Zoran - Varvarin
The interior of a residential house in Varvarin was done in 2006. All the furniture was designed and made in local workshops.
The area has a gallery over a part of the living room. The banister is made of stainless steel profiles with wooden handrail, and all by the architects detail. The processing of the wall shown in the picture is of gypsum tiles painted in special color in more tones, and so a relief structure was made as an imitation of stone.
In order to mask a part of the kitchen from the living room view, a wall of gypsum carton boards was made, which was connected to cascades of the suspended ceiling.
The detail of the wall covering in the bedroom is also made of molten gypsum tiles wich were then painted and varnished in order to get a texture as shown on the picture.

House Boban - Cuprija
For an existing object in Cuprija 2013. an interior design of a residential area for a family of four. It was demanded to plan a contemporary space with modern furniture and other elements.
The floor is monolithic and made of white granite ceramics without open joints.
The bathroom has an integrated bathtube in walls of unusual volume which are covered in glass mosaic.
The kitchen is designed with MDV fronts in two tones of beige color. The handles on the doors are made in locksmith workshop, completely by designers sketch. The worktop and the wall covering are made of massive granite.
The living room has a gallery space which is accented by a suspended ceiling made of gypsum carton boards.
The contributor on the project was architect Nikola Bogdanovic.

Shop "Forum" - Paracin
Interior design of the shop “Forum” in Paracin was done in 2003. and the same year the construction works commenced. The task was to make shelves for displaying goods in different sorts and sizes, a sales point and lighting.
Furniture for offices was designed and done in 2011.
Spiral stairways were designed and done in 2010. It was made of steel profiles with treads of massive ash wood.
For the same investors, a residential interior was designed for two identical apartments in the same object. Interior of the apartments was done in different periods of time. The photos of the apartments can not be displayed because of the authorization of the investor.
Apartment - Smederevo
Project assignment is a very important starting point for designing objects and interiors. From the way it is defined depends the creative space in which the architect searches for the best solution, choice of materials, dynamics of performance, cost planning, control of the elements done, the whole realization from the idea to the end.
During the work on this project, a great relationship was achieved between the client, architect and the contractors, so that in the end, all the participants were entirely satisfied.
You can see on the photo a dinning room commode done as a combination of painted and furnished MDV. Minimalistic approach is present on all of the elements as is the same form and materials.
The kitchen is made of misted white MDV with worktop and wall covering of Kerrock. The sink is of same material and all the technical devices are in white so that the composition would be more monolithic.
Identical concept and the same materials are present in the entire apartment.
House Tatjana - Paracin
In 2005. a project of reconstruction of a family house in Paracin was made. After the initial construction works, the whole interior design project was ordered. It is best to design an interior alongside the main construction design or after the gross building works in order to adjust the installations to all the elements of the interior, which was the case on this object.
In this area, there were a lot of characteristic positions which demanded detailed planning, of electrical installations mainly.
The photo shows one of the bedrooms where, behind the separating wall, on the headboard of the bed, there is an American closet. By demand, every room had to have a hidden diffused light comprised of LED strips.
House Savic - Cicevac
The interior of a residential house in Cicevac was done in 2006. completely by the design and mutual cooperation with the investor.
The photo shows a corner fireplace and a portion of the suspended ceiling in the living room. The first floor is intended for the children which besides the working and sleeping quarters have a common living room for socializing. This area was processed according to demands of young users so the bathroom was also made in cooperation with them.
Cafe "Plato" - Paracin
The interior of the café "Plato" in Paracin was designed in 2011. The inner area is small because the café has a big summer garden and is most often visited in summer season.
The photo shows a suggestion of the designed space and a completed work on the next one.
Motel "Aleksandar" - Pojate
The interior of the motel “Aleksandar” was designed and done in 2011. and the object is located on the highway Beograd – Nis, near a place called Pojate.
The furniture was designed according to standards for motel of higher category and was made of flat materials; univer, MDF and fibreboard.
During this project development, a course of installation and assembling of all elements was defined as was all the fitting an connecting materials. Throughout the work in the workshop, a detailed monitoring of the implementation was made.
Cafe "Sports club" - Paracin
In 2009. a request was made for designing a cafe within a private sports hall in Paracin.
With interior designing, special care is given to dimensions and heights of furniture and equipment so that the clients could easily exploit their residential or working space. At public areas, optimal solution must be found for persons of all heights.
At the end of each job, we make a survey of achieved effects in order to enhance the process of working.

Express restaurant Pax - Paracin
In 2004. an interior design of a fast food restaurant "Pax" in Paracin was made. The space kept the existing granite floor as well as the mobiliar and because of the inadequate lighting and the need for a better ventilation, an attractive suspended ceiling was made in which the needed installation was embedded. Also the loudspeakers for music were installed in the ceiling. The height of the ceiling was increased so that bigger cubic volume of air was gained. The ceiling was made of gypsum-carbon boards and the certain elements were moulded from gypsum and then installed by gluing and doweling.

Apartment - Jagodina
In 2006. a residential space for needs of a two member family was designed.

Apartment - Belgrade
2014 was designed adapting the apartment in Belgrade. The intervention included the disassembly of all existing materials, demolition of part of the walls, making new and installation of new flooring, new windows, new processing walls and ceilings, lighting, etc. The apartment has received a new organization, as well as a brand new look.

Motel "Predejane"
Ethno restaurant within the motel Predejane was designed as a conceptual solution and was not done. The idea was to make all interior from natural materials; wood, brick, lime.
Preliminary design was made in 2005. and the contributor on the project was architect Goran Karalic.
All the elements were drawn as a combination of roughly and finely processed details with colorless varnish as to achieve a rustic ambient.

Discotheque "Akapulko" - Cicevac
In 2005. a preliminary design of discotheque “Akapulko” in Cicevac was made. The project was not done because the investors gave up.
The photo shows a bar, which is by the request of the client made with prochrome and glass covering.
For the same object, some designs for other needed elements were given, at that time still in development, and the photo shows one of the canopies.